Identification of edible wild fruits and berries.
Plant identification: an important step
Recognizing plants is an essential requirement for any harvest. This way you avoid unpleasant surprises and can enjoy your harvest with peace of mind. To do this, it is important to equip yourself with a good field guide and familiarize yourself with some important characteristics of plants: the shape of the leaves, the type of flower, the appearance of the fruits and berries, their color, their size, etc. . Do not hesitate and consult reference works in this area, e.g. “The Great Guide to Wild Fruits” By Gerard Ducerf.
How to distinguish edible fruits and berries from poisonous
The similarity between certain edible wild fruits and other poisonous fruits can lead to dangerous confusion. That’s why it’s important to learn to distinguish these fruits. For example :
– HE oldest trap: Black elderberry offers clusters of edible black fruit when cooked, while black elderberry produces very bitter, poisonous fruit.
– Holly vs. Mistletoe: The bright red berries of holly are poisonous, while the white berries of mistletoe, although slightly poisonous, have been used for their medicinal properties.
Some edible wild fruits and berries.
- Wild black currant: This small shrub, also called black currant, produces very fragrant black berries.
- Wild blackberries: It is the fruit of the blackberry. The tasty, juicy blackberries ripen in late summer.
- The Rosehip: From this we obtain rose hips, a berry rich in vitamin C and traditionally used to prepare jams and infusions.
- The dogwood: This tree produces red, cherry-flavored berries in the fall.
And after choosing?
Once harvesting is complete, it is important to properly store the fruits and berries to preserve their flavor and benefits. There are several options for this: freezing, turning into jam, jelly, cake… but also drying or macerating (for homemade liqueurs and wines).
Remember: collecting is an activity carried out with respect for nature. Remember to collect sensibly so as not to harm wild plant populations and their reproduction. This way you can enjoy these natural pleasures year after year.
Eco-friendly collection techniques
Please note the pick-up time
Choosing the right harvest time is crucial for crop protection and is considered the first step towards environmentally friendly harvesting.
Here are some basics to follow:
- Pick when the plants are mature.
- Avoid collecting during the breeding or flowering season.
- Do not collect in adverse weather conditions (frost, heavy rain, drought, etc.).
Save plants when harvesting
Plant preservation is another environmentally friendly harvesting technique. The objective is to minimize the impact on plants and their habitat during harvest.
Below are some techniques:
- Never remove the entire plant from the soil.
- Choose selectively and always leave some fruit or flowers behind.
- Use tools like felco pruning shears to obtain a clean cut and avoid damaging the plant.
Respect for the environment and protected species
Harvesting practices must also take into account the respect and protection of the entire environment, including protected species.
They contain:
- Avoid gathering in protected areas.
- Do not harvest plants that are on the Red List of endangered species.
- When collecting, avoid disturbing the habitats of other animal and plant species.
Post-harvest conservation practices
Once the famous fruits have been harvested, you can preserve them and at the same time protect the environment:
- The use of reusable and recyclable packaging such as: He can.
- Preservation as is, without the use of chemicals.
- Use of natural techniques for drying or freezing fruits and berries.
In this guide you will find detailed information on environmentally friendly harvesting techniques. By using these methods, you can not only enjoy the gifts of nature but also contribute to its conservation. By adopting these practices, this recreational activity contributes to a more sustainable and biodiversity-friendly nature. A simple but very significant gesture for our beloved country. Always follow these rules on your next treasure hunting excursions.
Safety rules when harvesting wild fruits and berries.
Who has never dreamed of harvesting their own wild fruits and berries? It is an excellent activity with several benefits: it allows you to come into direct contact with nature, it can offer you new flavors and above all it can help protect the environment. However, wild harvesting can pose risks if done incorrectly. Therefore, it is important to follow some safety rules to ensure a healthy and environmentally friendly harvest.
First step to wild harvest
Before you start enjoying collecting, it’s important to equip yourself appropriately. Good tools can make the difference between a successful harvest and a disappointing or even dangerous harvest. Essential elements include:
- A collection guide: for example, the guide Delachaux and Niestlé, very complete and illustrated to easily identify edible and poisonous species.
- A pair of gloves: Choose a well-known brand such as: Wolf’s Garden offering durable and comfortable gloves.
- A basket: A fabric basket is ideal because it allows the fruit to ‘breathe’ and prevents it from being crushed. You will find high quality baskets at AlterEco.
Know your terrain
Each fruit and berry has its own preferences in terms of habitat and growing conditions. Some like sunny meadows, others hide in the shade of forests. is crucial Identify the terrain before you start searching.
Food safety
Although most wild fruits and berries are edible, some can be poisonous or even fatal. It is important to correctly identify the fruit or berry before consuming it. Don’t just rely on color or shape: some poisonous fruits look very attractive! Even if you have correctly identified a fruit or berry as edible, wash it well before eating it. This helps remove pesticides, dirt and bugs.
Respect the environment
Foraging for wild foods is not just about finding delicious fruits and berries, it is also a way of respecting and preserving our precious environment. Make sure Never choose more than you needAnd above all: never harvest an entire plant. Always leave enough fruits and berries so that the species can continue to flourish.
Medical check-up
In case of wild fruit or berry poisoning, it is important to have basic first aid knowledge. Learn to recognize the symptoms of food poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, etc.) and find out where the nearest poison control center is.
If you respect these rules and use common sense, harvesting wild fruits and berries will allow you to fully enjoy the beauty and bounty of nature. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start your adventure!
Conservation and use of collected wild fruits and berries.
Responsible harvesting: the beginning of good conservation
Choose the right moment
It all starts with the harvest. It is recommended to harvest fruits and berries at the right time of ripeness, generally when they are well colored and easy to separate. Otherwise, the conservation potential is limited.
Save them immediately
After harvesting, wild fruits and berries must be quickly sorted, freed from unwanted parts of the plant and placed in a ventilated container. It is best not to wash them immediately, as moisture promotes decomposition.
Techniques for preserving wild fruits and berries.
Fresh preservation
If you want to consume berries and berries quickly, a good option is to store them in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. To maximize their preservation, you can arrange them in one layer without them touching.
Freezer storage
For longer storage, there’s nothing better than freezing. Cleaned berries and fruits can be placed in a single layer on a baking sheet and frozen for a few hours before storing in freezer bags. This method allows you to store fruits and berries separately for ease of use in the future.
Preservation by drying
Drying wild fruits and berries is another long-term preservation method. They can be dried naturally in the sun, in a low temperature oven or in a dehydrator like the brand’s. Excalibur known for its effectiveness.
Preservation in jam, jelly or syrup
Berries and berries can also be made into jams, jellies, or syrups with sugar and sometimes lemon juice. These preparations can be stored for several years.
Make the most of your wild fruits and berries
Use them fresh
Eaten fresh, wild fruits and berries taste delicious in fruit salads, yogurt, mueslis or simply as a snack.
Use them cooked
Wild fruits and berries are great for cooking. With it you can make cakes, muffins and jams or even use it in savory dishes.
From a health perspective, it is interesting to note that many of these wild fruits and berries, such as blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This is why they are valuable in our diet.
Whether for the pleasure of harvesting, for the delight of the palate or for the well-being of the body, wild fruits and berries deserve a special place in our lives. So grab your baskets!